
Review of Adam Shoalt’s latest book, Where the Falcon Flies

From the United States Kaz Dziamka 3.0 out of 5 stars A little disappointing Reviewed in the United States on May 8, 2024 Verified Purchase I have read all of Adam’s books and have actually liked them all. Except this one. It seems to me that Adam has exhausted the gold mine of his Canadian wilderness escapades, and now his last book is evidence that he doesn’t have much new to offer and is mostly capitalizing…

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List do przyjacielskiego Polaka i mój testament …

Jak szlachetne zdrowie, Bolek? Witam też wszystkich innych Polaków, którzy mnie jeszcze pamiętają. Niestety, starzejemy się. I to szybko. Siostra moja coraz częściej mówi o śmierci i o planie być pochowaną w Starachowicach. Chciałbym ją w tym roku odwiedzić w Przemyślu, ale dopiero jesienią. Natomiast moja żona wybiera się do Polski już za 2 tygodnie głównie po to, aby zająć się swoją, już bardzo kruchą 90-letnią mamą. Napisałem do znajomych tenisistów ze Starachowic i Sosnowca,…

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Mój słowiański zew krwi

Witam, Polecam film dokumentalny o Puszczy Białowieskiej, „Jestem (pierwotną) puszczą XXI wieku”, tłumaczony na angielski.  Link poniżej. Dziś powspominaliśmy z Barbarą nasz wspaniały wyjazd do Puszczy Białowieskiej kilka lat temu. Dzięki pomocy Roberta (znajomego, którego poznałem na forum „Myśli Polskiej”), zamieszkaliśmy w kwaterze w Teremiskach, a obiady jedliśmy w znakomitej i znakomicie położonej restauracji „U Kolarza”, przy samym końcu wsi. Właściciel kwatery, gdzie mieszkaliśmy, jest bezgranicznie oddany ochronie życia żubrów i, można powiedzieć bez przesady,…

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49th Anniversary!

Witam. (A nice Polish word that you must know very well by now.) A few days ago, we celebrated our 49. wedding anniversary (yes, 49th!) by skiing the magnificent Klaus trail at the top of the Sandia Mountain. We’ve been on this and other Nordic trails for 4 decades now, and the Pale Horseman is now chasing us more and more. But we still manage to beat Him pretty soundly and keep the Beast at…

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People, Wake Up!

“The West” is arguably the area most heavily brainwashed in all of recorded history, indoctrinated 24/7 by the most cynical and efficient opinion manufacturing machine ever developed, far more efficient and totalitarian than what Herr Goebbels could possibly dream. (PATRICE GREANVILLE) Here’s where you can read more and try to open up your mind: https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/01/22/bulletin-117-read-this-first-the-depraved-face-of-zionism-the-mask-falls-off/

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AI and I

Liz, our neighbor, recently activated AI to write a poem about me. It was totally unscripted: Liz decided to do it as we met (with her husband and Barbara) for dinner a couple of days ago. I was totally unaware of this particular application of AI. I must say AI made my day. Ha, ha … What a gig! What is this world coming to? AI has become more human to me than most of…

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Some good stuff on a Sri Lanka blog

dane valk Indeed, US and pet Israel’s armies are the product of Military Industrial Cowards. No matter how many Hollywood fantasies the US produce, fact is the US army would not stand a chance fighting toe-to-toe with a real army. The US doesn’t have the stomach to fight for a month the Russian army, which has the best ground forces since WW2 and considerable better still since the SMO. (Even in the air, Russian fighter…

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Epicurus’ Final Rant

Editor’s note: No surprise Epicurus decided to quit. On sonar21.com, he has been called “a dick” and “dickless.” (Hmm … how can he be both!). The Dark Gorgon (aka “Ariadna”) has “argued” that his views and opinions are not worthy of respect.  And the usual, ubiquitous and boisterous gaggle of Christians have tried to degrade him in their own characteristically infantile way. So the guy has had enough. He is already on the road to…

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The Epicurean Syllogism

I recently had an opportunity to re-read an essay I published in my collection of essays Adventures in Freedom. The opportunity arose when a discussion on sonar21.com centered on the meaning of the Winter Solstice. There were the usual Christian praises of “God” and Russia for returning to “Christian roots.” (Of course, the roots of Russian culture are not “Christian,” a fact pointed out by a commentator called “Epicurus.”) This is when I remembered my…

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