
Some good stuff on a Sri Lanka blog

dane valk

Indeed, US and pet Israel’s armies are the product of Military Industrial Cowards. No matter how many Hollywood fantasies the US produce, fact is the US army would not stand a chance fighting toe-to-toe with a real army. The US doesn’t have the stomach to fight for a month the Russian army, which has the best ground forces since WW2 and considerable better still since the SMO. (Even in the air, Russian fighter pilots are considered the best in the world for flying with electronics turned off, which is essential for operating in war zones covered by capable air defence systems.

Reality of war is nothing like silly Top Gun movies. US air force fighters would have to limit themselves to stand-off missions or accept to suffer alarming losses if they dare operate in AD covered air space.) US and Israeli army hide behind technology to “fight” remotely but in doing so, they had to commit countless war crimes. The inevitable consequence of this “Call of Duty” video game warfare is the erosion of “on-the-ground” competence, not to mention the overall deterioration of the psychological willingness and physical fitness to operate on the ground in the first place. (US army has suffered for years the failures to meet its recruitment targets. This is also inevitable as more and more citizens realize US wars are never justified. But even those US citizens who have been indoctrinated enough to serve will never fight as hard as those who have been oppressed and threatened. So, the Oppressors/Aggressors will always have to deal with a moral and motivational disadvantage.) So, despite all the chest pumping, US would not dare enter a hot war against Russia, China or Iran. They resort to their traditional coward ways: proxy wars, covert operations and sponsored terrorism.


Thanks. Publishable quality, your comment is. (But it will not appear in the NYT Op-Ed column.😒)

Western civilization (siphilization, really) is a gigantic hoax, now being exposed at last by the determination of Russia to make a stand against the bottomless hypocrisy of the US and EU political establishment and media.) But I fear Russia may at one point agree to a compromise of sorts because one thing the Western bandits are terrified of losing the most is … face.

dane valk

Konrad, NYT censorhip wouldn’t even permit that text to appear in the user comments section, let alone appear as an Op-Ed column.

Your comment about western civilization is interesting because I have been thinking about this for some time. Technological and technical mastery does not ensure, nor mean, a civilized society. Western civilization’s barbarism is only thinly veiled behind modern technological and scientific prowess. Some scholars and economists even argue that western prosperity has little to do with western (oligarchic) capitalism and much more to do with colonialism/imperialism. Even culturally, I’m looking at the prominence of poetry, ballet, opera, history and literature in Russia; by contrast, what does the US offer? A few centuries ago, the British empire ran an alarm trade deficit with China because it coveted so many products from China while China had no interest on anything the Brits offered. Chinese paintings largely illustrate nature while a disproportionate number of European paintings were about warfare and military exploits.

Russia will achieve all their objectives in Ukraine, without compromise, based on many of the latest declarations by the top Russian diplomats, including the President Putin himself. The latter publicily said (I paraphrase) that he was naive to have tried a rapprochement with the West two decades ago and that he will not trust them again.


Dane, I would very much like to continue this line of argumentation. Perhaps at one point I may refer you to an article I once wrote about the fraud of American corporate culture. (Unless Indrajit doesn’t much mind if we talk about it here). Needless to say, I consider Indrajit’s uncompromising exposé of the criminality of the American MIC refreshingly insightful, even though I have been following other similar blogs like those of Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, and Brian Berletic.

I have already posted your comment on my blog. For now I need to add that the problem of the criminal hypocrisy of Western “civilization” has bothered me since during my college years I read somewhere in Huxley’s essays or novels that Western civilization is a hoax and that Western “philosophers” are mostly good talkers–but not much more. I am, frankly, appalled by the shocking arrogance, stupidity, hypocrisy, and–in general–inhumanity of American corporate “culture.” So much so that I will probably have to spend most of my senior years somewhere else, maybe northern Canada, to avoid a progressing depression.

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